F. Scott Fitzgerald Quiz

Nature in Robert Frost
June 30, 2019
Select an author/poet/philosopher of your choice from the prepared list for your analytical research paper
June 30, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgerald Quiz

Question Description


F. Scott Fitzgerald Quiz

1. F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896. In which city and state was he born? What is his first name?

2. What famous second cousin (three times removed) was he name for? What was this second cousin famous for?

3. What college did Fitzgerald attend? Did he graduate?
4. Did he join the Navy, Marines, or Army? In which war did he serve?
5. What was his wife’s name? Give one fact about his wife.
6. What was his daughter’s name? What was her nickname?
7. Name one historical cultural fact about what was happening in the 1920’s (The Jazz Age). 8. Did Fitzgerald and his wife ever live in Maryland? If yes, name the exact city.
9. What kind of life style did Fitzgerald and his wife live?
10. What was the major cause of Fitzgerald’s death in December 21, 1940?
11. Name three novels and one short story that Fitzgerald wrote.

12. Chart the following quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald from “The Crack Up” (1939).

Hint: 8 phrases total. (Use the back of this quiz sheet to chart this quote)

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the

same time, and still retain the ability to function [well].”

Phrase Type of Phrase Part of speech Function in this sentence