Geological upheaval & climate change in east Africa

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July 31, 2020
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July 31, 2020

Geological upheaval & climate change in east Africa

Essay Topic is Inclusive of 1–3:(1)climate change;(2)geological upheaval & climate changein east Africa ; and(3)the theory of Natural Selection and survival of the fittest. Read up on the role of theGreat Rift Valleyon the evolution of the hominids (see pp.249ff/Ch. 10) especially during the late Miocene (10–5.5 mya through the early Pliocene (5.54 mya) and throughout the Pleistocene (see pp. 279ff/Ch. 11). Review Darwins idea of natural selection (pp.19-21) and the survival of the fittest. How does it pertain to eventual rise of our species Homo sapiens. The terms adaptation and adjustment will be important here.