Global Warming – is it our fault that our planet is dying or a natural course of existance

What were the main motives of the two expeditions? How do they compare?
September 13, 2019
Captain of the Ship
September 13, 2019

Global Warming – is it our fault that our planet is dying or a natural course of existance

Question Description

Research Paper in APA style.

1.Specs for Research Paper #2

  • 3-4 pages
  • APA style
  • Choose a topic that you have always wanted to research and learn more about, but have never had the time to do so.
  • Your may use citations from journals, reviews, recent news items with proper quotes and dates, quotes and comments from experts in the field with appropriated accreditation (complete name and title), first-hand recounts of someone who experienced your topic in real life, story telling, and your own life experiences- if you have any related to your topic of choice.

2. How to write a college paper Outline

3. Topic suggestions for your last paper


a) Choose one that resonates with you or that you would like to investigate more about

b) Begin your brainstorming process by yourself and/or with a partner

c) Prepare your Outline and submit it NO LATER that Sunday Week 4, for me to review


Global Warming – is it our fault that our planet is dying or a natural course of existance

Cryonics – is it worth it to disturb the body, to wait so long?

Autism, Myths and Realities – how to help parents with autistic children? tips, right schools, early treatments and support, preventing mistakes

Alzheimer’s Disease, how to care and support a relative suffering from AD

Smoking – A pleasure or a death sentence- although everyone knows the dangers of smoking, why do people continue buying cigarettes

Eye Surgery to improve your vision – How has this surgery improved since its beginnings? who is an ideal candidate for it?

Organ Trafficking – cases and outcomes; prevention and stats

Bullying – what makes a kid bully another one; what makes a kid want to commit suicide

Anorexia and Bulimia – is it related to self esteem, family issues or problem brought from birth

Child Pornography – in 2017 why does this still exist? Is it worst than before or it’s less, only that before cases were known of as easily

Human Trafficking – how to prevent it, avoid it and fight it

Cinematography – History and most memorable films – timeline from beginning of film history to present times

Future Moon Travels -should man continue to explore beyond Earth

NASA’s Latest Developments and Findings – what do they know that we don’t know? Should the general public know about Alien Investigations currently taking place among scholars in the world

Online Education vs Onsite Education – benefits and downfalls of both approaches

Historical Expeditions and Archaeological Discoveries – Vasco de Gama Sails to India, first people to summit Everglades, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, etc. –…

World Wonders – Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Colossus of Rhodes, etc.

Pilgrimages – Trails and Routs around the world – e.g. The Camino Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, France-Spain; Kumano Kodo Trail, Japan;…

Holidays Around the World – research where and how they originated, timeline, changes/meaning through time – e.g. Thanksgiving, Ramadan, Kwazaa, Christmas, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year, Brazanth, St. Lucia Day, Reyes Magos (The Three Kings) Day, Mardi Gras, New Year, Mother’s and Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Day of the Death, 5 de Mayo, etc.