Gluteal Tendinopathy

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Gluteal Tendinopathy

Case study abstract as per the example provided (see attached case study example). Speak about patient had history of generalized mild left leg weakness secondary to polio, which likely resulted in antalgic gait and prolonged stance phase on right leg (patient endorsed favoring left leg for years). As a result the patient may be at increased risk of overuse injury to the glute med/min which are pelvic stabilizers in stance phase. Additionally, the patient is in the demographic category at risk (she is 74yo and prevalence of this tendinopathy is 23.5% of women >40yo). She failed greater troch steroid injection and PT. Received prolotherapy and had improvement with that. So in summary it is a case of refractory right hip glute med/min tendinopathy likely due to overuse as a result of left leg weakness from polio which responded to prolotherapy.