Has the feminist movement in the U.S evolved to adress problems of racism in the movement?

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Has the feminist movement in the U.S evolved to adress problems of racism in the movement?

Question Description

Please answer the following question in essay form. Answer should be a 3-4 PAGE ESSAY nothing less! Please refer to Patricia Hill Collins (http://www.feministezine.com/feminist/modern/Defin…), The Combahee River Collective, Angela Davis (“The Meaning of Emancipation According to Black Women”), and Audre Lorde (“The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House”). DO NOT USE ANY OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES BESIDES THE READINGS GIVEN ABOVE!

1. Has the feminist movement in the U.S evolved to adress problems of racism in the movement? How have Black women feminists created a space for themselves and challenged white women’s dominance within the feminist movement?