Has there been any atonement?

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Has there been any atonement?


This is an english literature essay and it’s about the Atonement novel. The description is given below:

Write a compelling, eloquent, and well-argued short essay on the following question:

Paul Marshall and Lola Quincey, two conspirators who hide the truth of Lola’s assault, get married, become rich, engage in charitable public works, and achieve noble rank as Lord and Lady Marshall.

One conspirator, Briony Tallis, becomes a famous novelist by exploiting her guilt over Robbie’s imprisonment and death. She invents Robbie and Cecilia’s romance.

The Quinceys and Tallises lead full lives with generations of beloved children.

Meanwhile, Robbie dies of septicemia (massive infection) at Dunkirk, while Cecilia is killed in the London Blitz.

Question: Has there been any atonement?

It has to be 1200 words long and should be in the format of giving an argument, supporting it with a claim and giving your personal opinion.

The link to the novel is given below:
