Hate in America: A Nation Divided

Economic Globalization transformed the United States
April 16, 2023
Process Evaluation
April 16, 2023

Hate in America: A Nation Divided


Much of this section focuses on hate; the origins of hate, the perpetuation of hate, the results of hate. We will even be looking at riots and mob violence in chapter 9. While this is always a pertinent topic, it seems all the more important during this time of division in our society.

I have had good results using documentaries in other courses, so I am going to take that approach with this class/forum. Any documentary discussing hate in the U.S. will, and should, illicit emotional responses from students. With that said, I will demand respect by all students for all students while analyzing the video. Be cautious as to how you present ideas to allow for productive discourse.

I am going to have you watch “Hate in America: A Nation Divided:” “News21 investigates a growing climate of hate in the United States through analysis of national crime victimization data and on-the-ground reporting by 38 reporters in 36 states.”

The video looks at issues of past and present in trying to understand hate in contemporary America. I want you to work on applying a sociological imagination to issues of hate in America. Some issues to address include, but are not limited to: where does hate come from and why does it exist, how is hate so easily perpetuated, what are the results of hate in society and what can we do about the deep divide/hatred in U.S. society.

Apply what you have learned from the class, and work on utilizing your sociological imagination to analyze hate in contemporary America.

This is a powerful documentary and I hope it gets you thinking. As a society, we probably have more in common with one another than differences. Why then, do we feel so divided?

Make sure to watch the documentary in its entirety (you do not have to watch the interviews after the documentary) as the end brings the message together. BE RESPECTFUL

As always, I want an original post, and two responses to original posts, for full credit.

Hate in America: A Nation Divided