Head Bands, Do-Rags, Dreadlocks, and Fedoras

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August 18, 2019

Head Bands, Do-Rags, Dreadlocks, and Fedoras

Question Description

Writing Assignment: Head Bands, Do-Rags, Dreadlocks, and FedorasYou are sitting at the biggest concert of the year with all your friends. This band is the music of your generation. You scan the crowd, and everyone is dressed like they shop at the same store. It is comforting to be part of a group, one of the crowd, embracing the mainstream culture.

But sometimes you are sitting in the crowd, and you feel out of place. You want to be different. This too is part of the human condition. People who rebel against the mainstream culture and start their own traditions in music, art, and values, start what we call countercultures.

For this activity you will enjoy discovering something about two or three countercultures that interest you. To do this:

assignment rubric.

For insight and help with effective writing guidelines that your teacher is looking for, read the 6+1 Trait® Writing rubric.