Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice

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Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice

Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice
Health care delivery models play a crucial role in improving the quality of service
delivery. Health care models help guide the operations and help to manage changes in the health
care sector. To ensure quality and safe health care delivery and stable systems and effective laws,
nursing leadership and management are essential in providing proper managing of change in
nursing practice.
Emerging health care Law
Quality delivery of health care can be affected by an inadequate workforce, which
determines the quality of care they can accord to the patients. One of the emerging laws that have
emerged to solve some of the United States’ health care problems is the Affordable Care Act.
The Act, which the Obama regime introduced, sought to introduce comprehensive reforms in
making health care accessible and affordable for most American citizens. Through the Act,
significant healthcare reforms were introduced to restructure certain aspects of the health care
sector. The Affordable Care Act significantly improved and expanded health care coverage for
most American citizens. However, with the trump’s administration in power, Trump’s American
Health Care Act was passed, which also seeks to improve nursing quality in the United States.
One of the major bills introduced is the Title 8 Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act
of 2019, also referred to as H.R728. This law was introduced into the floor of the House by
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard together with Congressman Dave Joyce. According to Dave
(2019), this bill seeks to support the recruitment and retention of nurses in their workplace and
reauthorize programs that can help the nurses. With the current problem of increased workload
for the nurses, the nursing shortage is an issue that needs to be addressed. Through this bill, those
interested in pursuing a nursing career are encouraged to access high-quality education and