How can the author improve the essay to make it clearer for the reader?Rules for Lina Irac Essay feedback

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How can the author improve the essay to make it clearer for the reader?Rules for Lina Irac Essay feedback

Rules for Lina Irac Essay feedback


Fact pattern:        

On Friday night, Lina went to the football game with a date, Pat, and then to JJ’s Pizza Parlor.   Lina had earlier informed her mother of these plans. When Lina and Pat returned at 11:55 p.m., they parked in the driveway at Lina’s house, within view of Lina’s mother, who saw them through the living room window. While parked in the driveway, Lina and Pat talked and held hands for 20 minutes. After Pat kissed Lina goodbye and drove away, Lina entered her house at 12:15 a.m.

On Saturday afternoon, Lina asked her mother whether Lina could go with friends to the high school basketball game, to watch Lina’s brother play in the first of more than two dozen games in the basketball season. This first game is being played in another city, so Lina will ride in the car of another family, which plans to go out for a snack after the game, and probably will not return Lina to her home until after midnight. Lina’s mother plans to attend some home games during the season, but she does not plan to attend this first “away” game.



  • Provide feedback to the following (IN RED)) entitled Draft IRAC Essay. Please make sure the feedback is relevant and substantive.
  • Consider the following questions when providing feedback:
    • Did the author use the IRAC method effectively in their essay?
    • What are the major strengths of the essay?
    • How can the author improve the essay to make it clearer for the reader?



Rules for Lina Draft IRAC Essay


Lina is confused on her mother’s rules for social activities and curfew, Lina can stay out past midnight when she is occupied with her mother and is attending a family event. Also, Lina is allowed to call ahead before coming home if she notifies her mother of her nightly activities and results in her being home before midnight. Other than that rule, Lina must be home before midnight to ensure her safety, health and that she gets enough sleep. Is Lina guilty for not thoroughly understanding her mother’s rules?


On Friday night, Lina went on a date with Pat at JJ’s Pizza and returned home at 11:55 P.M., while being parked outside of Lina’s home, the two held hands and gave goodbye kisses. Lina entered her home at 12:15 A.M. Lina is aware that her mother will not be going to her brother’s first away game but plans to attend some home games in the future. Regardless of her mother’s decision to not attend her brother’s first away game or not, on Saturday afternoon, Lina asked her mother if she could go to her brother’s away basketball game with her friend’s family. After the game Lina and her friend’s family were going to get snacks and return Lina back home after midnight. As a result of Lina’s Friday and Saturday night activities, she did not return until after midnight.


According to Lina’s mother’s rules of being home before midnight and/or being occupied by her at family events, Lina may be in violation of house rules if she enters her home after midnight.


Although Lina was in the driveway of her mother’s house in plain view on Friday night, she still entered the home at 12:15 A.M. which is opposite in terms of circumstances of Lina asking her mother whether she could go to her brother’s away basketball game with friends and their family. Lina can partake in social activities but must follow specific guidelines given to her by her mother.  Furthermore, Lina must conduct her night activities in a responsible manner and obey her time restraints with being home on time.