How could the sort of investigation Socrates suggests make any progress towards an answer when the questioner (Socrates) is ignorant and the respondent (Euthyphro) is now in confusion?

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July 28, 2019

How could the sort of investigation Socrates suggests make any progress towards an answer when the questioner (Socrates) is ignorant and the respondent (Euthyphro) is now in confusion?

Question Description

1. How could the sort of investigation Socrates suggests make any progress towards an answer when the questioner (Socrates) is ignorant and the respondent (Euthyphro) is now in confusion? Mustn’t somebody know something in order for the inquiry to get off the ground or move in the right direction?
2. The dialogue ends with no progress being made — or does it? What positive results (if any) does the Socratic method yield? Do we know any more about piety at the end of the dialogue than we knew at the beginning?