How did economic inequality increase during Reagan’s presidency?

India became an independent country in 1947
December 9, 2022
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December 9, 2022

How did economic inequality increase during Reagan’s presidency?

How did economic inequality increase during Reagan’s presidency?
Economic inequality is the uneven distribution of bath income and opportunity among people, and
this increased greatly during Reagan’s term (Chen 2019). This happened due to rhea kind of
policies that resulted tie an increase in poverty levels. Sime policies included the cutbacks in
income transfers which also increased inequality in the country. He also made policies that
changed the taxation, as they increased income differences and this promoted poverty among the
people (Cooper 2017).
How was Clinton able to reduce our national debt despite his increase in social programs?
Bill Clinton did a great job in handling all the economic matters despite the numerous programs
that he implemented to implement the overall growth of the country’s economy. He did this by
balancing the budget, mainly by enforcing the fiscal discipline. He also surged tax revenues to