How do the principles of Newspeak describe social conditions under Big Brother in 1984?

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How do the principles of Newspeak describe social conditions under Big Brother in 1984?

How do the principles of Newspeak describe social conditions under Big Brother in 1984?

Newspeak shows that freedom of thought and action is either nonexistent or criminal under Big Brother and the Party. Words such as thoughtcrime let readers know right away that even thoughts are subject to the rules of the Party and that people can be taken away and vaporized for thinking the wrong thing. The word unperson is used to describe a person who no longer exists because the Party has not only vaporized that person but destroyed all evidence that he or she ever lived. Newspeak is also very black and white, with no shades of gray in thought or action. In fact, blackwhite is another Newspeak word. Under Big Brother, people are either pro-Party or they are dissidents. No one is allowed to have ownlife, individual actions that are considered original, eccentric, or creative.