How do you feel about the legal status of sexual orientation and gender identity? 

What are the six main types of constitution of the polis, according to Aristotle? Which type(s) exist in your country today?
August 14, 2019
Are there issues of sexuality where you disagree with your religion? If so how do you rectify your personal opinion with the doctrines of your religion?
August 14, 2019

How do you feel about the legal status of sexual orientation and gender identity? 


Choose one of the following issues.  It should be introduced in your introduction and included in your conclusion.  You need two opposing (one pro and one con) views with academic sources of the view.

Gay and Transgendered Rights:

How do you feel about the legal status of sexual orientation and gender identity?

Should a transgendered person be given legal status as there preferred sex even if they do not undergo a sex change?

Should schools be required to provide safe environments for those who are gay, transgendered or questioning?

Should employers be allowed to hire/fire based on sexual orientation or gender identity?

Do you see a difference in civil rights based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex or race?


Look at abortion from different perspectives of yourself. What is your legal perspective? What is your religious/spiritual perspective? What is your personal perspective (what would you do if you had an unplanned pregnancy)?

How are these perspectives a part of you?

Should personal and religious views be the standpoint for law?

Pornography and Prostitution:

Pornography is legal, prostitution is not. Yet both involve making money from having sex. Both are consensual. Do you feel there is any need to change the laws?

Why do you feel the laws are as they stand today?


This country was founded on the freedom of religion. Some religions advocate or allow polygamy. Do you feel that the legal requirement of monogamy is an imposition on the freedom of religion?

Do you feel there needs to be a law change? Or why do you feel that legal monogamy is important to the function of society as a whole?

Sex Education:

How do you feel about the current status of sex education in the United States?

Should parents be allowed to opt students out of sex education classes?

Should minors have access to contraceptive services and/or abortions without parental approval?


The current implementation of required funding for contraceptives has started debate on the religious freedom verses public health and should employers have to fund all types of contraceptives (The Hobby Lobby case)?

Where is the employer’s responsibility to the employee, and how much say should companies have in deciding what their employees’ insurance will cover?

Should pharmacists have the right to refuse contraceptive prescriptions? How should laws be written to protect customers and employees?

Basic APA Citation

Matkovich, S. (2012). APA made easy (3rd ed.). Dacono, CO:

CSULB Library Style Manuals and Citation Methods: APA & Plagiarism: Understanding Plagiarism (2016). Retrieved from Library Style Guides ( (see individual tabs)

Purdue University. (2016). The OWL at Purdue: APA Style. Retrieved from The Owl at Purdue(


For articles and books cite author(s) last name(s), year of publication, page numbers. If it is 6 or more authors use et al. If you have 3 or more authors after the first citation use 1st authors name and et al, after the initial citation.  If you use the author(s) names in the text just give date and page numbers. Periods go after the citation and quotation marks do not enclose the citation.

Examples: (Jones & Smith, 2011, p. 234).   (Jones et al., 2011, p. 234).
According to Jones and Smith (2011) “direct quote here” (p 234).

For electronic sources give the authors name and publication date or date website was last updated, if it is a PDF with page numbers cite as above for books and journals.  If there is no author use the sponsor of the web site or name of web site.

Examples: (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011). (WebMD, 2012)


Listed in Alphabetical order, under the title References (realize the references will not be included in page count), use a hanging indent of 5 spaces. For every citation in the text there must be a corresponding reference and vice versa.

The preferred method for citing journal articles follows, use the DOI if available.

Ledema, J., Cooks, L., & Keuzendamp, S. (2010). Multiple dimensions of attitudes about homosexuality. Journal of Homosexuality, 57(2), 123-134. doi:10.1080/00918369.2010.517069

Journal Article No DOI available:

Sayegh, M. A. (2011). Teen pregnancy in Texas: 2005-2015. Maternal Child Health J 14, 94-101. Retrieved from


Koop, C. E., & Johnson, T. (1992). Let’s talk. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.

Web sites (remove hyperlinks, use sponsor of web site if no author is available):

Giacobbe, A. (n.d.). Alyssa giacobbe: Writer + editor. Retrieved from

WebMD. (2012). Breast Cancer Health Center: Symptoms & types. Retrieved May 8, 2012, from


Laureate Education. (Producer). (Year). Name of program [Webinar]. Retrieved from

Quoting, Summarizing and paraphrasing


For this assignment quotations should be kept to a minimum, and only used when alternative phrasing changes the meaning or when the direct quotation is needed to support your critique.

Guidelines for quoting:

Quotes should be short, enclosed in quotation marks and cited.

Quotes should be well integrated into your sentence structure, if you have to adjust the text to fit into a sentence use ellipses (…) to indicated that words were omitted from the quotation and bracket to indicated that a word has been changed (example.: [was], for will).

Long quotations put in block format are not appropriate for this assignment as you should summarize the article.

Summarizing and paraphrasing

Summarizing and paraphrasing are essential skills for academic writing, especially in a critical review of research. To summarize means to reduce a text to its main points and it most important ideas.

The best way to summarize is to:

Scan the text.  Look for information that can be deduced for the introduction, conclusion and the title and headings. What do these tell you about the main points of the article?

Locate the topic sentences and highlight the main points as you read.

Reread the text and make separate notes of the main points. Examples and evidence do not need to be included in the summary; they are usually used selectively in your critique.

Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s phrases into your own words.  They still require citations as the words are yours but the ideas are someone else’s. Substituting synonyms for the original author’s words doesn’t make the passage yours, and is considered plagiarism. Paraphrasing offers an alternative to using direct quotations in your summary and critique. The best way to paraphrase is to:

Review your summary notes.

Rewrite them in your own words and in complete sentences.

Use reporting verbs and phrases (example; the authors describe…, Cole argues that…).

If you include exact, unique or specialist phrasing from the text, use quotation marks around those phrases.

Make sure there is a smooth transition from your voice to sources point of view.