How do you think or feel your behavior or attitude changes based on who you come into contact with over the course of a day?

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August 3, 2019
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August 3, 2019

How do you think or feel your behavior or attitude changes based on who you come into contact with over the course of a day?

Question Description

Your Everyday Interactions

In this world we live everyday with various kinds and degrees of relationships. Relationships in every way kind and fashion. You and the server at the fast food counter, you and your professor at school, you and the other people on the freeway that you spend time in traffic with trading traffic signals, you and your grandparents, you and your siblings, you and your business clients, you and your spouse or significant other. You have relationships, with service people, other students, people at your church, at your work, at a wedding, at a funeral, and even at a football game where you have like minded fans for one team and fans for the other team supporting the favorite team. A result of all these different kinds of daily relationships is our behavior and demeanor changes. These changes happen because of the environment we are in, or, the Culture of the environment, place or situation that you find yourself in.

Think about your interaction all day long and the nature of these interactions.

Most of the time we can categorize our behavior in three different ways:

Personal Performance – Your immediate interactions with family, friends, co-workers, everyday strangers where the way a person engages these individual changes based on the differing elements of relationship, need, desire, function, environment, social codes, cultural ques etc.

Community Performance – Those places where you are seen and engage in corporate or organized interactions like church, school, work, weddings, funerals, or sports where a persons behavior, interactions and the way one wants to be seen or is seen is based on the nature of the situation and expectations of the environment there.

Professional Performance – Those places where you are having to be seen specifically and maintain specific behavior rules and decorum. Examples, Teachers, athletes, actors, doctors, lawyers, politicians, community leaders, etc.

Think about your behavior and the way you interact with the people you come into contact with every day. All of the people, leave no one out in the course of your day.

How do you think or feel your behavior or attitude changes based on who you come into contact with over the course of a day?

Can you recognize different places over the course of the day where you may have

Personal Performance?

Community Performance?

Professional performance?

Part 1: Start a thread and in subject put “(your full name) – Be sure to copy the questions above and post them with your answers!!! – Minimum 150 words – Use complete sentences and correct grammar.

Part 2: Your Comments: Read and respond to two other students’ answers. Make sure you are specific and identify who and what you are responding to.

Remember, your answer needs to be at least 150 words total and use proper English grammar and syntax, and you must reply to at least two other students’ posts.

first student answer:

How do you think or feel your behavior or attitude changes based on who you come into contact with over the course of a day?

My behavior definitely changes depending on how well I know the person I’m talking to. Because my sense of humor is not something I think a lot of people pick up quickly, I have a stronger filter for people I don’t know as well. To my close friends, however, I usually have no restraint, and I act as I normally would.

Can you recognize different places over the course of the day where you may have

Personal Performance?

I feel like engage in personal performance whenever I post on social media, Snapchat in particular. I know everyone who’s on my friend list well enough to know that I can post dumb and/or dark jokes, and they’ll know it’s all in good fun.

Community Performance?

I engage in community performance whenever I’m at a school’s club event. In high school, we were always told, “You’re representing your school at all times,” whenever we were at events such as field trips. Thus, I refrain from goofing off because I don’t want it to reflect badly on the other members in the activity/club.

Professional performance?

I engage in professional performance when emailing companies. When I text my friends, I usually type with no punctuation or capitalization, and send messages quickly. However, since I want to give people a good first impression, I usually double check and read over the email multiple times to ensure I’m sending a good message with no mistakes.

second students answer:

1. How do you think or feel your behavior or attitude changes based on who you come into contact with over the course of a day?

I feel that my behavior is affected depending on the relationship of a person that I make contact to over the course of a day. In terms of my interactions with my friends and family, I typically display a very open and friendly attitude towards them. In terms of when I interact with my professors or a doctor, I am typically more reserved. Typically I would engage in conversations with them that are relevant based on things like projects, or schoolwork, or my personal health. I feel that chit chatting with those individuals would come off as me wasting their time.

2. Can you recognize different places over the course of the day where you may have?

Personal Performance?

Places where I typically engage in personal performance would be my own house, a friend’s house, or a cafe.

Community Performance?

Places where I engage in a community performance include. A college campus, a public library, or a lecture hall

Professional performance?

Places where I engage in a professional performance include. A classroom, a lecture hall, a company interview, or a studio.