How does Annas’ view differ from that Socrates endorses?

Logic,metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology
July 28, 2019
Compare the plight of the people who live in Plato’s cave with the uneducated people of our world.
July 28, 2019

How does Annas’ view differ from that Socrates endorses?

Introduction to Philosophy Final Paper: Virtue and Happiness Preliminaries One topic we have covered, and will cover, the connection between virtue (arête) and happiness (eudaimonia) in multiple sections of the Republic. One such place is in Plato’s discussion of the Ergon (“function”) Argument (Book 1). For this paper, you will be required to draw upon your reading in Republic and Julia Annas’ article, “Virtue and Eudaimonism”, which is posted on Blackboard. You may use outside sources, e.g. other articles from peer-reviewed journals, as well, although you need not do so in order to receive full points. Prompt In a paper of 2,000-2,500 words, consider the following topics, in an essay. (Do not simply answer the questions.) For Socrates, what is the connection between virtue and happiness? Draw upon your reading in Republic, as well as the Annas reading. What is the transformative view of the relationship between virtue and happiness Annas advocates (p. 254)? How does Annas’ view differ from that Socrates endorses? You may write on another topic only if I have first approved it. Other Clarifications Regarding style, write this paper as it if you were writing it for someone like your roommate: a person unacquainted with the topic, but reasonably educated. Feel free to contact me about your paper. I am happy to also read up to two drafts of your paper, provided that you allow me sufficient time to get back to you with comments (two days or more).