How does it contribute to the justice of the city?  How could Socrates have changed the story or law in order to create more justice?

Allegory of the Cave
July 27, 2019
July 27, 2019

How does it contribute to the justice of the city?  How could Socrates have changed the story or law in order to create more justice?

Question Description

For these prompts, be sure you explain FIRST what Socrates means by justice:

1. Pick one of Socrates’ myths or stories (e.g. the myth of the metals, the Allegory of the Cave) or his laws (e.g. that children should be held in common, that philosophers should rule).  How does it contribute to the justice of the city?  How could Socrates have changed the story or law in order to create more justice?
My preferences: allegory of the cave (story) or That Philosophers should rule (law) 

Nuts and Bolts:

• Your essay should be 3 pages in length, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, with standard margins.
• Clearly display which question you are answering on the title page of your paper.