How does religion, particularly Puritanism, shape Franklin’s early life growing up in Boston?

According to Thomas Jefferson, when and why would Washington and Franklin speak selectively?
August 16, 2019
Discuss the Quote by Benjamin Franklin That: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Security, deserve neither Liberty nor Security.”
August 16, 2019

How does religion, particularly Puritanism, shape Franklin’s early life growing up in Boston?

Question Description

History Film Benjamin Franklin questions

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Attachment previewFilm – Benjamin Franklin, Part One: Let the Experiment be Made


1) How does religion, particularly Puritanism, shape Franklin’s early life growing up in Boston?



2) How does Franklin go about furthering his education after being apprenticed to his older brother James, a printer?



3) How do Franklin’s Silence Dogood letters impact his relationship with his brother James, when he finally confesses to being the author?



4) How do Franklin’s experiences as a young man in London during the period of the Enlightenment transform his personal views on religion and philosophy?



5) What was the “junto” established by Franklin in Philadelphia in the 1720s?



6) What is the function/purpose of Poor Richard’s Almanac?



7) Why is Franklin’s creation of “voluntary associations” in Philadelphia so important?



8) What becomes the focus of Franklin’s life after he retires from the day-to-day operations of his printing business, at the age of 42?



9) Why doesn’t Franklin patent his invention of the lightning rod in 1753?