How has geography influenced the course of history?

How David and Delacroix chose to convey revolution.
August 19, 2019
What were the major changes that took place with the Spanish crown starting the year 1700 until the 1820s that impacted the Spanish monarchy and Spanish America at large?
August 19, 2019

How has geography influenced the course of history?

Question Description

Unit 1 Introduction

  • How has geography influenced the course of history?
  • What is history?

Unit 2 Seventeenth-Century Europe

  • Why did Parliament succeed in expanding its powers in England at the expense of the king?
  • What were some of the characteristics of political modernization in France?

Unit 3 Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

  • Why was the era called the “Enlightenment?”
  • What did Isaac Newton achieve as a scientist?

Unit 4 French Revolution

  • What were the main characteristics of the Ancien Régime (Old Regime) in France?
  • Who was Napoleon and why was he considered an embodiment of the revolution?

Unit 5 Industrial Revolution

  • Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
  • How did industrial production change Western society?

Unit 6 Russia in Revolt?

  • What did the Decembrists hope to achieve through their uprising?
  • Was Emperor Alexander I an enlightened monarch?

Unit 7 Socialism

  • What were the main points of Marx’ critique of capitalism?
  • What were some of the distinctive features of nineteenth-century conservatism and liberalism?

Please answer each question in a long paragraph. Thank you in advance.