How much of Oedipus’ life has he had control over, and how much is dictated by the fate laid out for him by the gods?

Using at least four points of criteria for comparison, compare and contrast the leadership skills and abilities of both Oedipus and Odysseus. How are they alike?
August 2, 2019
Why did the citizens of Thebes not investigate Laius’s murder at the time it occurred?
August 2, 2019

How much of Oedipus’ life has he had control over, and how much is dictated by the fate laid out for him by the gods?

Question Description

Write a short (~2 pages, double spaced) essay on the topic of fate and free will as presented in Sophocles’ Oedipus the King. How much of Oedipus’ life has he had control over, and how much is dictated by the fate laid out for him by the gods? Has he had any choice or control over his own life at all?