What relations of power exist between employer and employee?

In what sense, if any, is democracy paradoxical?
April 4, 2023
Does the concept of self-ownership vindicate absolute property rights?
April 4, 2023

What relations of power exist between employer and employee?

1. EITHER (a) How should political philosophers understand power?
OR (b) ‘A political philosophy with an adequate account of equality and
justice does not require an account of power.’ Discuss.
2. What relations of power exist between employer and employee?
3. ‘In a democracy, votes must be justified.’ Discuss.
4. ‘Democracy is the best form of government on epistemic grounds.’
5. Does paternalism undermine autonomy?
6. Does the value of freedom consist in the fact that it allows us to satisfy
our desires?
7. ‘Positive liberty is not a viable political ideal because it depends on a
metaphysically extravagant conception of the self.’ Discuss.
8. Does self-ownership undermine redistributive taxation?
9. ‘Rawls’s difference principle is either too egalitarian or not egalitarian
enough.’ Discuss.
10. EITHER (a) Is the point of equality to mitigate the effects of bad luck?
OR (b) Is the point of equality of opportunity to mitigate the effects of
bad luck?