How was anti-slavery sentiment popularized at this time?Do you think that each piece of propaganda was effective? Why or why not? 

How and why abolition of the slave trading system. How some African peoples and communities fared following Theban on the slave system.
September 9, 2019
How does abolitionism enhance a fundamentally different value system in the North than is evident in the South?
September 9, 2019

How was anti-slavery sentiment popularized at this time?Do you think that each piece of propaganda was effective? Why or why not? 

Question Description

  1. If you’ve read the Foner text, you know who the most famous anti-slavery activists were. List two less-than-famous activists found on this site, describe them briefly, and discuss the reasons for their activism. If you wish to learn more about them and their reasons, you have the web at your fingertips. Please use it and cite whatever you borrow.
  2. How was anti-slavery sentiment popularized at this time? Take two instances at minimum, describe each carefully, and describe what audience each item was targeted for. Be specific. Do you think that each piece of propaganda was effective? Why or why not?
  1. In what way does this collection build upon what you learned in Foner’s text? Be specific, elaborating on each source.
  1. After your critical (i.e. questioning) examination of the documents on this site, after clicking on photographs to learn more and following the many hyperlinks on this site, what still confuses or mystifies you? What shocked you? What made you pause. Yes, slavery was peculiarly brutal, but go deeper. Your response to this exhibit is as important as what you found there, so note it. If you were bored or indifferent, why was this so?