How will this acceptance of fake news impact our democracy?

How might critical thinking skills and reflective thinking help people deal with fake news?
July 20, 2019
How Facebook Mounts Efforts to Limit Tide of Fake News,
July 20, 2019

How will this acceptance of fake news impact our democracy?

If you had to help someone spot “fake news,” what would you tell them? Choose a news article from a reputable media outlet and compare it to an online story that you know is fake. Using the checklist provided on the factcheck web site, compare the two. Although fake news is not new, it seems harder to distinguish and more accepted now. Why? How will this acceptance of fake news impact our democracy?

For all Assessments, the following general requirements hold:

(1) Assignments should be 3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins.

(2) Citations to material are required; in-text citations are preferred (MLA style). A works cited list with at least three references must be included as the fourth page of the essay.

Extra work:(separate one page) write one paragraph about what you saw in the movie The Post and how it relates to something you learned in your research for this essay. Place the paragraph after the works cited page. The title should be The Post.