How will we resolve the myriad of problems in global society?

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September 4, 2019
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September 4, 2019

How will we resolve the myriad of problems in global society?

Question Description

Analytical Essay:

Discuss Katch’s book. Socialism…Seriously.

How will we resolve the myriad of problems in global society?

With this question in mind, undertake a critical discussion of Katch’s book, Socialism…Seriously. What is your understanding of capitalism and socialism as distinct social systems for the future of our planet? How are the themes raised in the book related to the diverse topics on the sociology of globalization that we have covered in this course? Could socialism as described by Katch resolve any of the global problems we have reviewed in this course? If not, how may we resolve these problems and address what Robinson refers to as the “crisis of humanity?” As you write this final brief, you may want to reflect back on all the themes we have covered in the course.