How would the internet be impacted if companies like Disney charge ISPs to carry their websites?

What is the current situation with net neutrality?
July 19, 2019
How net neutrality will affect data networks and the availability of information to businesses
July 19, 2019

How would the internet be impacted if companies like Disney charge ISPs to carry their websites?

Question Description

Network Neutrality means all internet traffic is treated the same, and we can all see the same internet. So, consider this: Disney is charging Internet Service Providers a fee for the right to carry their website/s, such as ESPN 3.

If your ISP (Cox, Comcast, Verizon, AT&T) doesn’t pay, then you can’t access the website.

Answer the questions below thoughtfully. Justify your view.

Write about 250 words.

1. How would the internet be impacted if companies like Disney charge ISPs to carry their websites?

2. Would you consider switching ISPs to see certain websites?

3. Does this violate Net Neutrality? Why or why not?