Identify the differences between relationships before and after the Fall of Man.

Describe the settings of both pieces and identify how the eras in which they take place—with their distinct societal attitudes and customs—affect the main characters?
July 25, 2019
Why is Hamlet able to act in Scene 4 but not in Scene 3? What does this tell readers and viewers about Hamlet’s character?
July 25, 2019

Identify the differences between relationships before and after the Fall of Man.

Question Description

Outline required:

The purpose of the paper is for you to develop a framework for understanding what relationships were created to look like and the changes that occurred because of the After reviewing Genesis 1-3, Lecture 1, write a 1,250 word paper in which you compare and contrast relationships in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1-3) with relationships after the Fall (using other Scripture passages).

In the paper, ensure that you:

  1. Identify the differences between relationships before and after the Fall.
  2. Explain how this change contributes to conflict within relationships.
  3. Offer scenarios illustrating how these conflicts within relationships manifest in life.

Support your position by referencing at least two or three academic resources, including the Bible.

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