Identify various Types of Justice found in Antigone.

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Identify various Types of Justice found in Antigone.

Question Description

When we read Antigone we found two types of justice in the play: one type of justice represented by Antigone and the other by Creon. We have also encountered, and will encounter, even more types of justice in the three dialogues by Plato that we are reading in class – the Apology, Republic, and Symposium.

For your paper compare and contrast the types of justice presented in Antigone with Socrates’ understanding of justice and with the understandings of justice of two more characters in the assigned dialogues by Plato. You must use at least two of Plato’s dialogues that we have read for class.

In addition to comparing and contrasting the different types of justice, evaluate the different types of justice and argue which is the most just and which is the least just.

Required Texts:


At least two of Plato’s dialogue