Individual Development Plan Outline

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July 19, 2019

Individual Development Plan Outline

Question Description

Review your vision statement and short-term and long-term goals prior to developing your individual development plan outline for your mentee. Follow the outline prompts on the “Individual Development Plan Outline” resource to determine a plan to coach or mentor the mentee. This outline should provide a clear vision for working with the mentee and meeting the preliminary short-term and long-term goals already established. The outline must include realistic activities you can and will implement with your mentee. In addition, research a minimum of three articles (3-5 pages each) that support two coaching and two mentoring techniques that would assist in meeting the desired outcome for the plan. Once you have submitted the outline, you will be required to begin developing a timeline in order to implement a minimum of two activities with your mentee. The timeline is not required during submission, but it should provide a clear frame of reference for you and your mentee to achieve success.

Implementing the activities with your mentee will not necessarily require an extensive time commitment, but it the time spent should provide the opportunity to use mentoring or coaching techniques to support the mentee.

Individual development plan