Industrial organic food production is better than conventional industrial food production when it comes to the environment, farmers, public health, and taxpayers, but it is still unsustainable (182-184).

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Industrial organic food production is better than conventional industrial food production when it comes to the environment, farmers, public health, and taxpayers, but it is still unsustainable (182-184).

Question Description

First, before reading the debate, note if you are for or against the statement (before reading the debate, do you agree more with the pro or con position?). Then note if your position changed or remained the same after you read the debate (after reading the debate, do you agree more with the pro or con position?) In your paragraph, state your position (pro or con) before and after reading the debate. Give any insights on the debate or debate topic.

Topic: Industrial organic food production is better than conventional industrial food production when it comes to the environment, farmers, public health, and taxpayers, but it is still unsustainable (182-184).


The debate on the benefits of organic farming has long been in contention, but it is now evident that this kind of farming is not only beneficial to the environment but also the farmers and the health of both human beings and animals. Organic farming is also favorable for the taxpayers because they do not have to contribute to the buying of fertilizers, antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals necessary for increasing the soil’s fertility or eliminating pests (Pollan, 2016, p. 182). As such, it is safe for both people and human beings to consume foods that have been grown without using pesticides. Some chronic diseases have been linked to non-organic farming.

Firstly, the use of fertilizers tends to increase the acidity of the soil and further deprives it of essential nutrients and mineral content. Thus, why should anyone practice non-organic farming if they are going to ruin the composition of the soil further? Organic farming does not create such problems; it creates an ecosystem where manure from the animals is used in the farms (Pollan, 2016, p. 183). Thus, the method is cost-effective and spares taxpayers millions of money that would have been used for subsidies.

Moreover, compared to industrial food production, organic farming ensures that farmers remain healthy as they conduct their farming activities. Therefore, farmers do not have to suffer from respiratory problems and other illnesses associated with inhaling pesticides. Similarly, animals such as cattle are guaranteed of drinking safe water because there are no chemical run-offs in the water sources (Pollan, 2016, p. 182). Thus, the health of farmers and their animals is not compromised.

Furthermore, unlike their industrial counterparts, organic farmers make maximum use of fossil fuels and therefore, minimize environmental pollution. Though critics may argue that organic farmers still burn a lot of diesel when transporting compost across the farmers, this is inevitable because there are no better energy-saving alternatives. Additionally, the issue of farmers’ receiving subsidies’ in the form of water and electricity, should not be an issue of contention (Pollan, 2016, p. 183). All farmers deserve help from the government regardless of whether they practice organic farming or not. However, compared to the inorganic farmers, the subsidies received by the organic farmers are minimal.

Most importantly, the benefits of organic farming surpass its disadvantages because people who are concerned about their safety will always go for organically produced foods. And so, in assessing organic farming, it all depends on the side you decide to gravitate to: are you concerned about the well-being of people, the animals, and the environment or are you more worried about the amount of diesel burnt in the transportation of compost and weeding? Upon answering these questions, one thing stands out that industrial organic farming is better than conventional industrial production.

Con: Industrial organic food is not better than conventional industrial food when it comes to environment, farmers, public health, and taxpayers.

The organic food industry started out as an idea of creating sustainability in feeding ourselves in line with nature’s orientation. Going organic is actually resonating with the need to try out sustainable ways in growing our food. Plants that are grown with no use of either pesticide or industrial fertilizers are truly in agreement with the current concerns about our environment. For the past three decades, the organic food industry has slowly interrupted the food chain and it’s currently a major force in the food market. Notwithstanding, the industry is today filled with industrial values other than ecological ones if any is left. The capital side of the business is pushing the organic food industries to market their products mostly with eye-catching phrases that are aimed at moistening souls. This question may be seen as quite premature to be answered, but all directions do point to a very intense and questionable impact that the organic food industry has made in protecting the environment in logically numeral perspective.

The organic food industry has, of course, created a huge market for farm products in almost every part of this world, thereby, giving the farmer other alternatives. When the conventional food industry works best on the economies of scale and other industrial values, the organic food industry utilizes similar concepts but hugely hangs around the term ‘organic’ to demystify any sense of conventionalism. To the taxpayer, we are actually losing out because we import as many organic foods that we produce. The overall cost of production has gone up, forcing the burden to be shifted to the customer. As expected, organic foods are pretty expensive, making it difficult to justify the extent to which customers have to chip in to fund sustainability. Organic foods have been lauded to contribute to better public health. However, conventional foods have nothing to do with limiting human health. It is rather an issue of how well you manage your body with regards to; exercise choice of food, and mental relaxation.

A cow raised in a cage-free farm with a natural stream flowing across it remains to be beef and the calories from that cozy cow won’t hamper any risks associated with their consumption. Such pampering of the organic plate with words is alarming and freaking as the food is been turned into an experience that deserves the well-mannered chicken who has spent the better portion of her life in an open farm with freedom and natural amenities to be stocked. I acknowledge the importance of facilitating the transition from conventional to organic, but not the organic as just an undertone of fanning