Is liberty more important than equality?

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Is liberty more important than equality?

1 Either (a) Why should I obey a law that I do not agree with?
Or (b) Is political obligation compatible with individual freedom?
2 ‘If a man expresses a choice for A and the majority expresses a choice for not-A,
then the man, if he is a sound democrat, seems to be committed to the belief that
A ought to be the case and to the belief that not-A ought to be the case.’ Is there a
way out for the democrat?
3 What form of democracy best reflects what makes democracy valuable?
4 Either (a) What, if anything, is valuable about equality?
Or (b) What are the best arguments for positive discrimination?
5 Are economic incentives compatible with egalitarian justice?
6 Is liberty more important than equality?
7 Either (a) Does the state have any obligation to promote the autonomy of its
Or (b) How many concepts of liberty are there?
8 Does Locke give a convincing account of the social contract?
9 What is the best argument against democracy?
10 Does equality require treating everybody the same?