Is ontology culturally relative?

Is change possible without temporal flow?
April 6, 2023
How can we best explain the asymmetry of causation?
April 6, 2023

Is ontology culturally relative?

1. ‘A transcendental argument cannot be valid unless it has an idealist
premise.’ Discuss.
2. Is ontology culturally relative?
3. ‘Putnam’s internal realism must be mistaken, since if it were right, we
could show that we are not all brains in vats.’ Discuss.
4. Does reality comprise particulars or universals or both?
5. Are some objects more abstract than others?
6. EITHER (a) Does the asymmetry of causation favour an interventionist
theory of causation over a counterfactual one?
OR (b) Is the notion of cause irreducible?
7. What makes the present moment special?
8. Can a material object survive the replacement of all its parts?
9. Could you have existed without being a human animal?
10. Does it matter whether there are necessary and sufficient conditions for
personal identity?