Is scientific realism undermined by the underdetermination of theory by data?

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Is scientific realism undermined by the underdetermination of theory by data?

1. What, if anything, is the scientific method? Is it distinctive of science?
Does science need it?
2. Is scientific realism undermined by the underdetermination of theory by
3. What is the strongest objection to constructive empiricism? Assess it.
4. ‘If scientific revolutions exhibit Kuhnian incommensurability, science
cannot attain truth about the natural world.’ Discuss.
5. ‘Reductionism has triumphed even though most of the objects it appeals
to are unobservable.’ Discuss.
6. Which account(s) of scientific explanation should we accept? Why?
7. Does evidence confirm a scientific theory only if it also disconfirms a rival?
8. In what sense(s), if any, are probabilities objective?
9. What interpretation of quantum mechanics do you consider the best one?
Why is it best?
10. ‘Henceforth space by itself and time by itself, are doomed to fade away
into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an
independent reality.’ Discuss.