Is there a better way to serve gender-nonconforming and gender-nonbinary communities?

What challenges exist to policy-making process and training implementation?
August 14, 2019
How does advertising impact on women and on society?
August 14, 2019

Is there a better way to serve gender-nonconforming and gender-nonbinary communities?

Question Description

Section A

Great reflections here so far this week Class! I agree that this discussion brings up a lot more questions than answers.

This tends to be a tricky topic to come to a consensus on this week but there seems to be consensus so far around leaving GD in the DSM-5. As we all learn more about the specific needs, concerns, and complexities within transgender, gender queer, and gender non-binary populations, I ask you to consider whether counselors should have this type of training and whether this training should be mandatory for all mental health practitioners?

In addition to leaving GD in the DSM-5, it seems like there is also agreement on the following:

  • Individuals who identify as trans or gender-nonconforming, may not qualify for a diagnosis if GD unless they meet criteria.
  • Functional impairment is required in order to assign any diagnosis and if the individual does experience a functional diagnosis, another diagnosis might be a better fit such as anxiety or trauma-related diagnosis.

Many votes so far for leaving GD in the DSM-5 but also some for taking it out.

What did I miss?? Class, please review these themes and respond to this thread with additional themes from this week.

I think there is also need for more social activism regarding trans-rights. Transgender activist and media specialist, Jen Richards, did a nice piece on the topic of role models for Transgendered community in 2015. It is a four part series and explores a day-in-the-life for a gender nonconforming individual and ways to seeks refuge and support. It is available on-line at: to an external site.and share your thoughts.

Section B

” By this definition being transgender alone doesn’t make you any of these things it’s the stigma, judgment, and prejudice that causes these issues. Also, I would like to add again that not all people that are transgender deal with any of the secondary problems of being transgender which mean that not all transgender people should have to be labeled.”

It is true that society and judgment/labels towards others can either affect mental wellness for better or worse and that those who are affected for the worse, tend to have more stress.

We discussed earlier that a diagnosis runs the risk of feeling like a label and further exacerbating the issue and I agree that sometimes an appropriate diagnosis can open doorway to treatment and resources. Things do change but at the same time beliefs can last along time after a chance has been made. Thanks for continuing the discussion regarding the applicability of diagnosis given societal norms regarding human behavior. I think the point needs to be made that individuals who identify as gender non-conforming do not meet criteria for a mental health disorder unless there a functional impairment is demonstrated. What does “functional impairment” mean? Do you recall this from our discussion in Week 1 on defining abnormal psychology? Please discuss examples here.

Folks have discussed that the DSM-5 should work to help treat and minimize mental health conditions and yet with GD it seems like it works in the opposite direction by creating a disorder according to some. Folks have also commented that part of the role of mental health providers is to affirm and advocate for those in minority and/or undeserved populations. How can the DSM-5 be used to protect individuals in a society where having a mental health diagnosis is still stigmatized? Is there a better way to serve gender-nonconforming and gender-nonbinary communities?