Is there anything that all and only mental states have in common?

What is it for a belief to be epistemically justified?
April 4, 2023
Does perception relate us to objects, propositions, or something else?
April 4, 2023

Is there anything that all and only mental states have in common?

1 Can the content of sense perception be outside the mind of the perceiver?
2 Can the concept of knowledge be analysed?
3 Either (a) ‘If two individuals are alike mentally then they are alike
justificationally’. Discuss.
Or (b) What, if anything, do Evil Demon problems tell us
about the nature of epistemic justification?
4 How can a factual statement be known to be true a priori without the help of a
special evidence-gathering faculty of rational intuition?
5 Either (a) ‘The Correspondence Theory allows for the application of the
concept of truth to non-linguistic items such as maps and
perceptions whereas the Redundancy Theory does not. Therefore
we should prefer the Correspondence Theory.’ Discuss.
Or (b) Is it folly to try to define truth?
6 Might pain not have been pain?
7 Either (a) What should a functionalist say about qualia?
Or (b) Why should we care about those mental states and processes that
outrun behavioural dispositions?
8 Either (a) Could there be psychophysical causation without psychophysical
Or (b) Does anomalous monism depend on a particular theory of events?
9 Could the running of a computer programme constitute understanding?
10 Is there anything that all and only mental states have in common?