Is there just one true theory of the world?

Is there a defensible distinction between abstract and concrete?
April 6, 2023
Does the slingshot argument threaten an ontology of facts?
April 6, 2023

Is there just one true theory of the world?

1. ‘The intelligibility of scepticism presupposes realism.’ Discuss.
2. Is there just one true theory of the world?
3. ‘The arbitrariness of reading our objectifications into the heathen
speech reflects not so much the inscrutability of the heathen mind, as
that there is nothing to scrute.’ (QUINE). Discuss.
4. ‘There is no basis in reality or language for the traditional distinction
between universals and particulars’. Discuss.
5. What are facts? Are there any facts?
6. EITHER: a) Assess the claim that objects have temporal parts. What is
the significance of this claim?
OR: b) Can two objects be in the same place at the same time?
7. What is the B theory of time? Is it true?
8. Can the direction of time be explained by the direction of causation?
9. Could you have existed without being a person?
10.What role, if any, should the notion of agency play in an account of
*11. What is Wittgenstein’s argument in the Tractatus that there are simple
objects? Is it any good?
*12. ‘The world is my world.’ (Tractatus, 5.62). Discuss