Literary analysis of Hamlet.

Explain both the literal and symbolic meaning and importance of pouring poison in a person’s ear in Hamlet.
July 25, 2019
Does Hamlet compromise with evil? Perhaps another way of asking this is — Does Hamlet serve good or evil when he kills Claudius?
July 26, 2019

Literary analysis of Hamlet.

Question Description


Essay must be 1500-2000 words.

Topic is a researched literary analysis of Hamlet.

The essay must contain a thesis that offers your interpretation of the work’s theme. This interpretation is your basic claim, or argument, which you will then support with evidence in the body paragraphs.

Essay must provide evidence in the form of direct quotations from Hamlet. The main support for your claim will come from Hamlet.

You must also incorporate four secondary sources (all scholarly sources- articles from peer reviewed journals or books published by an academic press). These secondary sources will provide some support for your claims as well as alternate views that contradict your claims. Consider your essay to be a defense of your own argument regarding your chosen work of literature, an argument in which you enter into the “conversation” already going on about Hamlet. Don’t be afraid to include alternate views and respond to them. Successful incorporation of and response to a counterargument can strengthen an essay.

Do not provide mere summaries, either of Hamlet or your secondary sources.

Essay must be in proper MLA format and use MLA documentation (including in-text citations and Works Cited page).