Mama is the narrator of the story, but is her perspective the only one we have? To what degree does Mama display a consistent persona in narrating the story? Does Maggie have a voice in the story?

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”
August 3, 2019
How would the story be different if it were told from Dee/Wangero’s perspective?
August 3, 2019

Mama is the narrator of the story, but is her perspective the only one we have? To what degree does Mama display a consistent persona in narrating the story? Does Maggie have a voice in the story?

Question Description

Read “Everyday Use,” Choose one of the following five questions, and write a thoughtful, insightful response and use supporting quotes from the story (properly cited and quoted) to illustrate your claims.

1) Mama is the narrator of the story, but is her perspective the only one we have? To what degree does Mama display a consistent persona in narrating the story? Does Maggie have a voice in the story?

2) Setting often plays a crucial role to a story’s meaning. What clues do we have about the setting of this story (ie, when is the story set, where do the characters live, etc)? How does setting impact the events or characters in this story?

3) The characters in the story are African-American. Does this matter to the story? In other words, would this story only happen in an African-American family?
4) Who changes the most in the story? Choose specific details from the essay to support your conclusions.

5) By the conclusion of the story, what has the author demonstrated about the meaning of self-identity and family? Discuss all three main characters to support your interpretation.