Pay attention to the differences between bacterial cells and animal cells.

What similarities and differences are there between the animal cell, the plant cell, and the green algae cells?
August 6, 2019
Why We Need Rare Earth Elements
August 6, 2019

Pay attention to the differences between bacterial cells and animal cells.

Question Description

explain why some antibiotics would kill prokaryotic (Bacterial) cells without harming human cells. Please dot not get bogged down with the antibiotics — the important thing here is the cell structures and processes that are affected by the drugs. Pay attention to the differences between bacterial cells and animal cells. Use this lesson to review the components of bacterial cells.

  • Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite appropriately within your paper, and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page.
  • Your paper should be 1–2 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page.