The Basic Elements of a Chemical Dependency center in todays world

Discuss the components of pharmacology
July 14, 2020
PSY assignment
July 14, 2020

The Basic Elements of a Chemical Dependency center in todays world

4 to 5 pages
APA / less than 25% OV score with turn it in
You have learned many of the basic elements of a chemical dependency center in todays world. Now it is time to write a report that will be used in a final proposal for a new treatment center. Consider what you have already learned and continue your research about addiction and recovery theories services and continuum of care to design the most effective treatment center possible. Based on current issues that you have learned about consider the changes you believe could be made to improve this evolving system.
Start with some of the following questions:
Given what you know and what your group discovered and discussed about modern treatment facilities use your imagination to come up with a futuristic model of an addiction and recovery services center. Be sure to address the following information in a proposal of 45 pages: