Present an Article Critique.

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September 10, 2019

Present an Article Critique.

Question Description

You can write up to 3 article critiques (2 course points per article) of 3 different empirical papers on a topic of your choice in the field of developmental psychology (2~ pages per article critique). You may access papers within the following journals: Developmental Psychology, Child Development, Child Development Perspectives, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Child Experimental Psychology, British Journal of Developmental Psychology. This assignment should be written in APA style:…

The main points of the paper should include answers to the following questions:

1. What was the hypothesis of the study?2. Identify the IVs, DVs, extraneous variables, and confounding variables.

3. What were the study results?

4. What are the general conclusions?

The three different articles I want to write about is:

1. the types of play (look at the statistics for the most common at each stage of childhood)

2. Self-image in the middle child hood ( bullying and suicide stats )

3. Emerging adulthood