Project Implicit & Microagression

Identify and describe estimated costs and revenue projections for your product(s)/service(s)
March 9, 2020
“Everyday Use” (Alice Walker, 1973)
March 23, 2020

Project Implicit & Microagression

Project Implicit & Microagressions
For this assignment you will have to go to the web page below. Look around – read about the project and what it is measuring.<link is hidden> (Links to an external site.)Then,

click on Project Implicit Social Attitudes
Continue as a guest and click on your language
click on “I wish to proceed”

Then, take at least two of the tests from the following choices:


Sexuality IAT

Disability IAT

Arab-Muslim IAT

Asian IAT

Native IAT

Skin-tone IAT

Race IAT

Religion IAT

Weapons IAT

Weight IAT

I strongly encourage you to take the tests in areas where you anticipate you might have challenges as a social worker or a professional in any setting. For example, if your religion or political affiliation has strong views about a particular group, please take that test. Or if you are uncomfortable around elderly persons, take that test. This is meant to be an introspective learning exercise and you will only get the most out of it if you are honest with yourself and challenge yourself to see beyond your assumptions and beliefs.

Then, go to the Project Implicit Discussion in the discussions part of Canvas and submit a reflection of this experience. This reflection should be one page in length, single-spaced. Do not attach your reflection. Paste it directly into the discussion box.

What did you learn?

What do you question?

Were you surprised? Why or why not?

How can this relate to your social work practice?

How is this related to microaggressions?