Project Management: FUJITSU UK

Case Analysis: eBay
April 12, 2023
Defining the Organization’s Strategic Direction
April 12, 2023

Project Management: FUJITSU UK

Project Management: FUJITSU UK
Fujitsu UK operates under the numerous subsidiaries of Fujitsu Limited, one of the
largest Japanese multinational companies that seek to dominate the global information and
communication technology industry. The company delves into the production of information and
communication technology services and equipment. Fujitsu claims a top position among the
largest companies in terms of revenues from IT services (Stone et al., 2020, pp. nd). However,
the company feels the need to increase its market share by preparing proficient project managers
in the industry. Due to Fujitsu’s numerous technological equipment and services, the company
must streamline its project management activities. To ascertain its dominance in the industry, the
company must prepare a reliable source of project managers. According to the current
management, Fujitsu should develop an early-career development framework to guarantee
effective project managers in the future. The framework would serve to facilitate practical
training and development to Fujitsu’s recruits and young employees. The management
acknowledges that the traditional UK approach has failed to produce effective project managers
for the company. Companies hire groups of young university graduates in the conventional
approach and take them through a two-year general business management training program. For
years, the training programs in the company have failed because the business management
program did not include project management concepts and failed to address student needs.
Moreover, the program reported high attritions rates, signifying that the program was not helpful
to the candidates. This paper presents a project that would ascertain that Fujitsu enjoys
sustainable disposal of project managers in the future. The article presents the specific strategic
elements of the project and further justifies the project approach. A brief conclusion summarizes
the key areas discussed in the project.