Reaction Paper on In Search Of Self

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Reaction Paper on In Search Of Self

Reaction Paper on In Search Of Self
The book, “Dibs: In Search of Self”, by Virginia Axline provides a wide range of
information regarding self-realization and acceptance. The book uses the story of a small boy
called Dibs who had a serious problem of interacting and embracing other children or person
who came too close to him. Dibs is always hostile towards any person who shows concerns to
him or came too close to him. The boy had a serious psychological problem and always rebelled
everything. In chapter one, for instance, the author explains how Dibs isolated himself and
stayed at the corner of a room while other pupils were going home. Such behaviors exhibited by
Dibs surprised everyone including his teachers and parents. He always lived in isolation and led
a lonely life. In addition, he always looked mentally disturbed. The story of Dibs as written in the
book demonstrates the process of self-search through the use of Dibs as its main character.
Summary of the important parts in the book
The author of the book, Dibs: In Search of Self, discusses the story of the struggle Dibs
went through before realizing himself and feeling comfortable around other people. In chapter
one of the book, the problem of Dibs is described effectively, which includes his inability to
interact and play with other children. For example, during lunchtime when the other children
were going home, Dibs could not join them and remained in a corner of a room while others
went (Axline, 2018). Both his parents and teachers were amused by his behaviors and sought to
involve professional psychiatrists to handle this problem. In chapters two, three and four, a
professional psychiatrist tries to help Dibs communicate as well as solve his inner problem. The
child looked mentally disturbed always. Through effective care and involvement of a
professional psychiatrist, the psychological problem in Dibs was solved effectively and finally,