Role of stress in word comprehension

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April 6, 2023
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April 6, 2023

Role of stress in word comprehension

1. Give a short account of TWO of the following:
(a) Metacontrast
(b) Mach bands
(c) Semantic priming
(d) Role of stress in word comprehension
2. Write an essay on ONE of the following:
(a) What can the effects of adaptation tell us about
mechanisms of colour and motion perception?
(b) Do our memories tell us “the whole truth and nothing but
the truth”? Discuss from the perspective of laboratory
studies of memory.
3. Give a short account of TWO of the following:
(a) The violence inhibition mechanism
(b) Techniques to attain compliance
(c) Kelly’s covariation model
(d) The actor-observer effect
4. Write an essay on ONE of the following:
(a) Why do people conform?
(b) What could a politician learn from social psychology
to win an election? Justify your answer.
5. Give a short account of TWO of the following:
(a) The representativeness heuristic
(b) Hallucinations
(c) Little Albert and phobias
(d) Culture-fair IQ tests