According to Bandura (2001) self-efficacy

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July 27, 2020
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July 27, 2020

According to Bandura (2001) self-efficacy

According to Bandura (2001) self-efficacy plays a vital role in an individuals ability to accomplish goals and overcome challenges. This is relatable because at my age it takes more done just wanting to pursuing a terminal degree for me its really believing in yourself and having a strong self confidence driven by an unwavering determination to accomplish this goal. However Banduras concept is based on cognitive theory in which he emphasizes the role of observational learning and social experience as major factors in ones overall ability to persevere and accomplish set goals its equally important to create a nurturing supportive environment. Some of the strategies I have incorporated to improve my self-efficacy is to continually challenge myself and view failures as an opportunity to learn and improve so its always a win-win situation. As a result of this mentality I am able to take more risk and maintain a more optimistic view which keeps me grounded focus and open to change as I pursue my degree.
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