Self-Reflection on Entrepreneurial Personality

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September 21, 2022
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September 21, 2022

Self-Reflection on Entrepreneurial Personality

What is Entrepreneurship?

The ability and motivation to form something from practically nothing is entrepreneurship. Moreover it is the willingness and steely determination to build an enterprise and handle risks and do everything possible to get the odds in your favor (Timmons, 1989).


What is an Entrepreneur?

The term entrepreneur had his beginning in the 17th-century and comes from the French word “entreprendre” and is usually a sole proprietor, a partner or a majority shareholder in an incorporated venture (Rowland, 2015).

I have potential to be an Entrepreneur, because of my tested competencies!

Different models can be used to identify what your personal traits are. Each model or test assesses particular attributes for entrepreneurial characteristics. One model is the “Entrepreneurial Traits Wheel” that depicts some traits an entrepreneur or an enterprising person may have. My self-evaluation (Figure 1 / Appendix 1, p.6) shows that I´m a proactive person with a strong vision and flair. Moreover I´m self-confident and prefer to solve problems. Furthermore I very goal oriented, a team player and a motivator to overcome difficulties. Thus my not innovated skills I´m a motivated and communicated decision maker. The T-P Leadership questionnaire indicates that I´m more laissez-faire than autocratic. I prefer a more morale than productivity style. Nevertheless I have a moderate high shared leadership style with a high morale and moderate high productivity behavior (Appendix 2, p. 7). Related to the Thomas-Kilmann (Appendix 3, p.10) test my profile indicates in various situations a good repertoire of useful social skills. A further test to evaluate entrepreneurial characteristics is the “General Enterprising Tendency” (GET) test. The results of my test show only in one particular section an average score (Appendix 4, p.16). All other sections assess a nearly maximum score. Summarised the tests underline the argument that I have entrepreneurial skills. But these are only theoretical results.