Sex education–discuss the differences in comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only sex education.

Describe how you would involve parents, teens, schools, and community organizations.
September 10, 2019
Describe the moment captured in Leonardo’s Last Supper painting, and discuss the reasons why disciples are shown on the same side of the table.
September 10, 2019

Sex education–discuss the differences in comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only sex education.

Question Description

Write a 4 to 5 page paper On Sex Education

Sex education–discuss the differences in comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only sex education. What has been the primary type of program offered in Texas and why? What type of program did you have in your school as you grew up. This requires that you get information about the types of programs and the effectiveness of such programs. Talk about what program is best based upon research. How has politics become involved in sex education. What type of program do most parents want? Why aren’t parents educated about sexuality and able to teach their children?

HOW: Research the topic from credible resources. Answer the questions above in your paper and type the paper in a proper manner (use APA or MLA format). Be sure that you include your sources/references.

The paper needs to be 5 pages double spaced and include reference in APA or MLA format