Share ideas for cost-effective ways to add items.

Why individuals in Community A have a higher rate of a rare form of cancer
December 30, 2022
Part-Time Employees v. Full-Time Employees
December 30, 2022

Share ideas for cost-effective ways to add items.


In your replies to peers, you may:

Make      suggestions for items to add or additional go bag ideas for children,      pets, etc.

Share      ideas for cost-effective ways to add items.

Ask      questions about why some items are included, if it was not explained in      the post.

Share      additional websites and preparedness lists.

Example: “I felt it was interesting that you chose to include a fishing pole. What else would you need to include to assure the proper use of this tool? This is a resource that may not be useful to everyone but in our area, we could benefit from this important tool. According to Veneema…”

  •                                                                     Peer 1

In my go bag I included a jug of water as water was the number item on the list from FEMA was water. A human can only go without water for about three days. Next I packed a lighter, can opener, and cans. I packed these to be able to eat and create a fire easily. After I packed am umbrella for shade, large and heavy light to be able to use at night and it can double as a weapon, then gloves and a mask in case of a biohazard situation. Sunscreen and a large hat for coverage during the day from the sun. I have a multi use tool, large knife, and scissors to help me build shelter, repair something I might need, and protect me from any intruders. A waterproof case will help me protect my phone in case of flooding. Things I am missing are a solar powered satellite radio and a solar powered phone charger.

                                                                         Peer 2

  • In a disastrous situation, It is important to know what to pack and take in emergency situations. If there is only a limited amount of items that can be taken, it is vital to take the most basic necessities, and the most vital items. In my opinion, it is important to pack items that will help you through the situation, but also help you get out of the situation you are currently in. Firstly, I would pack my laptop along with its charger. Secondly, I would pack my cell phone along with its charger. The first two items I have packed are essential to stay informed, communicate and possibly help you get out of the situation you are in by having an open line of communication. A 72 hour supply of foods like canned goods, and easy cooking foods, Soap, Water and a towel. Lastly, I would also pack myself a flashlight and batteries. Living in Miami, FL, we live next to a coast, that can potentially cause flooding mostly anywhere. This includes power outages, waterborne diseases and a lack of resources that can be hazardous to health and well being. As for my pets, I would have relocated them before the disaster, as it would be hard to keep them safe and healthy during a disaster. Even though a natural disaster can mean lack of resources, and chaos for the whole community, I do not believe in “everyone for themselves”. I believe everyone and anyone who can help, should help each other and share resources with those who might not have enough. It is important to be able to depend on one another when dealing with an eventual situation of this size because sometimes, one person can not do it all, and together a community is stronger.

                                                              Peer 3

The article chosen for this discussion is workload as the most important influencing factor of medication errors by nurses, which is a quantitative study written by Ratanto, Tutik Sri Hariyati, Ati Surya Mediawati, and Tris Eryando. The purpose of this study was to discover the factors that contribute to medication errors by nurses. According to Ratanto et al. 2021, this quantitative study showed significant correlations with medication errors associated with the work environment, decreased motivation, heavy workload, and management in the workplace. Because the incidence of medication errors by nurses is so high, incorporating a healthier work environment withs with decreasing the workload on each nurse would reduce the likelihood of medication error incidences, thus influencing my practice. This can look like delegating to other interprofessional team members, discussing more significant interventions to improve management, and preferable ways to improve the overall work environment. (Ratanto et al., 2021)

  •                                                                    Peer 4

The type of study I’m going to discuss is a Quantitative article; the title is the effectiveness of a do not interrupt vest intervention to reduce medication errors during medication administration. The authors names are the following Sarah Berdot, Aurelie Vilafaillot, Yvonnick Bezie, Germain Perrin, Marion Berge, Jennifer Corny, Thuy Tan Phan Thi, Mathieu Depoisson, Claudine Guihaire, Nathalie Valin, Claudine Decelle, Alexandre Karras, Pierre Durieux, Laetita Minh Mai Le, and Brigitte Sabatier.  The purpose of this study was to evaluate to the point of having nurses wear a do not interrupt vest during medication preparation or administration. The main goal is to determine if wearing this vest reduced the chances of medication errors(Berdot et al, 2021).. This type influences a nursing practice because its purpose was to potentially decrease the like hood of distractions which can cause a higher probability of creating a medication error (Berdot et al, 2021). According to this article, there was not much of an impact on medication administration and the rate of interruptions. As a nurse, I would still try to limit distractions, especially while passing medication, because it can lead to a medication error.