The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale)

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The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale)

SPSS Assignment Part 2 Instructions
The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale)
In the Assignment Instructions folder there is an SPSS data file that will be the basis for your analysis. The data included are fictional and were created solely for this assignment.
The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D scale) is often utilized to measure depressive symptomology (Radloff 1977). It is a self-assessment that is completed by the individual. The CES-D contains 20-items rated on a 4-point scale (0 = Rarely or None of the Time to 3 = Most or All of the Time). The phrase Within the past week did you prefaces the questions in order to emphasize recent depressive mood. Scores are summed and can range from 0 to 60. Traditionally individuals with scores over 16 are identified as depressed (Weissman et al. 1977) though due to high false positive rates a score of 27 is considered a more useful cut-off (Zich et al. 1990). The full scale can be accessed at: Items 4 8 12 and 16 are reversed to avoid yay-saying or nay saying (Radloff 1977). Several studies have validated four subscales across a variety of subgroups (i.e. depressive affect well-being somatic and interpersonal) (Gliem & Gliem 2003).
Reliability and Subtest Scoring
You will continue the analysis of the CES-D data by learning to score the survey and create subtest scores. Note: we are creating our own norms on this survey for Friberg University students so there are no scores for comparison.
According to Knight Williams McGee and Olaman (1997) and many others (e.g. Gliem & Gliem 2003) the following subscales can be calculated:
CES-D Subscales
DA = Depressive Affect
W = Well-being
S = Somatic
I = Interpersonal
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.