Summarize and explain Martin Luther’s core beliefs.

What was the primary reason for the outbreak of the French Revolution?
August 19, 2019
Discuss how modern science has changed Western Society’s view of the world.
August 19, 2019

Summarize and explain Martin Luther’s core beliefs.

Question Description

Answer these following questions, these questions are about History.

The West: Volume 2 3hp W/ Ebook + InQuizitive Reg Card ISBN-13: 978-0-393-66477-5 (TEXT)

please answer these 5 questions, each question need a 3 paragraphs essay.

For example, number 1 has 3 small questions, write 1 paragraph for each small questions( total for number 1 will be 3 paragraphs)

1. Summarize and explain Martin Luther’s core beliefs: (1) salvation by faith alone; (2) the ultimate authority is the Bible; and (3) priesthood of all believers. How and in what ways did these beliefs reinforce individualism in Central and Western Europe and helped create the modern world?

2. In what ways does the Napoleonic period (1799-1815) deserve to be placed within a discussion of the French Revolution? How and in what ways did Napoleon overturn and/or strengthen the achievements of the French Revolution?

3. How and in what ways did the French Revolution challenge the European political and social order? What new ideas did it seek to institutionalize? Why did it fail and how would you assess its failure?

4. How and in what ways might the Industrial Revolution have alienated modern man? Compare and contrast the lives of men and women before their employment in factories and during their employment. What made factory employment and urban life a horrible experience for them?

5. The historian A.J.P. Taylor wrote: “1848 was the turning point at which modern history failed to turn.” What happened during the revolutions of 1848-1849? Why did the liberals not embrace the lower classes? Why was it important for the liberals to do so?